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NSF TRIPODS (Transdisciplinary Research in Principles of Data Science) Award


The Topological and Geometric Data Analysis group (TGDA) headed by Professors Tamal Dey, Facundo Memoli, and Yusu Wang from the CSE department in collaboration with Professor Matthew Kahle (Mathematics), Sebastian Kurtek (Statistics) and David Sivakoff (Statistics) have won the NSF TRIPODS (Transdisciplinary Research in Principles of Data Science) award for a Phase I institute totaling 1.5 million dollars over three years. The activity of this institute includes innovative research in topological and geometric data analysis spanning theoretical computer science, mathematics, and statistics, developing curricula, training future work force in data science, and several outreach activities such as workshops, summer schools, and seminars by experts in the field.  NSF plans to fund a couple of large scale Phase II institutes selected from the phase I institutes.

For more information click here or here.

Pictured below from left to right:

Prof. Tamal Dey, Prof. Facundo Memoli and Prof. Yusu Wang.


Tag: dey.8