CSE 682 Computer Animation: Design and Production
Rick Parent

As a capstone design course, it is intended to engage the student in a group activity of an interdisciplinary nature, exercise oral communication skills, and require written documentation of the project. The written documentation will take the form of web pages intended to document the process of designing and producing the computer animation project. Oral communication will consist of a number of progress reports presented to the class by each group as well as a final presentation of the animation to a larger audience.

A single, quarter-long group project is the focus of this course. The project is a student-selected animation project in which students will be repsonsible for designing and producing a computer animation. Much of the group work will take place in CL112D during class hours

Maya is the course software. It is a high-end sofware product that is popular in industry. CS students will be required to learn this sofware and write some type of algorithmic control of motion. Maya has a scripting language as well as an API that can be used for this.

Level and Credits


Quarters Offered

General Information, Exclusion, etc.

Optional Texts:

Tentative Grading Plan
Inidividual Assignments 10%
Presentations 15%
Documentation 15%
Project 20%
Individual Project Contribution & Participation 40%

Topics - topics will be interleaved; order of topics is dependent on projects selected
Estimated number of Classes Material
1 Introduction, overview and history of computer animation; it's relation to conventional animation, overview of digital video
2 Technical Background - graphics display pipeline, quaternion math, curve formulations, rendering issues for animation, introduction to interpolation
3 Course software - Maya
3 Various algorithms and techniques - content depends on animation projects selected
3 Viewing of example animations
8 Group work sessions


Project progress reports and approximate timing
Week 2 Proposed storyboard
Week 4 Final storyboard, sample still images
Week 6 Timing of sequences, sample stills, sample low-res animation
Week 8 Sample final high-res animation, storage and time requirements of final rendering
Finals week Final presentation of animation to class, hand in animation on DVD