CSE Alumni Survey Response Summary

Each academic year, CSE alumni who graduated two years or six years prior to that year are surveyed to see how well the CSE program prepared them for their professional careers. There are three parts to the survey.

The first part is concerned with Educational Outcomes of the program. On a scale of Not Important through Extremely Important, alumni are asked to rank the Importance of each specified outcome; for each outcome they are also asked to rank, on a scale of Not Prepared through Very Well Prepared, how well prepared they felt they were with respect that specific item.

The second part is concerned with the Educational Experience at Ohio State. Alumni are asked to rank, on a scale of Unsatisfactory through Excellent, a series of items concerning their educational experience at OSU.

The third part of the survey is concerned with how well the CSE program met its published objectives. Alumni are asked to rank, on a scale of Strongly Disagree through Strongly Agree, how well the program met each of its learning objectives. Beginning with the '99-'00 survey, they are also asked to rank the importance of each objective, on a scale of Not Important through Extremely Important.

Tabular summaries of the results of the surveys for each year starting from 1998-1999 for each of the three parts is available in the following tables. Note that the bar-graphs displaying the results of the various surveys don't display well in some browsers; please check the numerical results printed next to the bar-graphs to be sure of the actual values.

  1. General Educational Outcomes
  2. Educational Experience at Ohio State
  3. Computer Science and Engineering Program

Alumni were also asked to provide any additional comments and suggestions that they felt would be appropriate. These comments are not summarized here, but will be discussed at meetings of the Undergraduate Studies Committee.

Please send any comments or questions about these survey results to neelam@cis.ohio-state.edu.