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  AUTHOR = {Udeepta Bordoloi and David L. Kao and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Visualization and exploration of spatial probability density functions:
	a clustering-based approach},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of IS\&T/SPIE Visualization and Data Analysis 2004},
  YEAR = {2004},
  VOLUME = {5295},
  PAGES = {57--64},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:07 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Bordoloi2004.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Bordoloi2004.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Udeepta Bordoloi and David L. Kao and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Visualization techniques for spatial probability density function
  JOURNAL = {Data Science Journal},
  YEAR = {2004},
  VOLUME = {3},
  PAGES = {153--162},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:07 -0500},

  AUTHOR = {Bordoloi, U. and Shen, H. and Kao, DL},
  TITLE = {Understanding Time-varying Map Data Using Spatio-Temporal Clustering},
  JOURNAL = {Eos Transactions AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NG12A-1018},
  YEAR = {2002},
  VOLUME = {83},
  NUMBER = {47},
  OWNER = {leety},
  TIMESTAMP = {2007.12.03}

  AUTHOR = {Udeepta Bordoloi and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {View Selection for Volume Rendering},
  BOOKTITLE = {Vis '05: Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization 2005},
  YEAR = {2005},
  PAGES = {487--494},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:05 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Bordoloi2005.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Bordoloi2005.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Udeepta Bordoloi and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Space Efficient Fast Isosurface Extraction for Large Datasets},
  BOOKTITLE = {Vis '03: Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization 2003},
  YEAR = {2003},
  PAGES = {27},
  PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society Washington, DC, USA},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:05 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Bordoloi2003.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Bordoloi2003.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Udeepta Bordoloi and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Hardware accelerated interactive vector field visualization: A level
	of Detail Approach},
  JOURNAL = {Computer Graphics Forum},
  YEAR = {2002},
  VOLUME = {21},
  PAGES = {605--614},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:09 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Bordoloi2002.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Bordoloi2002.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Udeepta Bordoloi and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Hierarchical LIC for Vector Field Visualization},
  BOOKTITLE = {NSF/DoE Lake Tahoe Workshop on Hierarhical Approximation and Geometrical
	Methods for Scientific Visualization},
  YEAR = {2000},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:06 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Bordoloi2000.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Bordoloi2000.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Abon Chaudhuri and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {A Self-adaptive Treemap-based Technique for Visualizing Hierarchical
	Data in 3D},
  BOOKTITLE = {PacificVis '09: Proceedings of IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium
  YEAR = {2009},
  PAGES = {105--112},
  FILE = {:papers/chaudhuri2009.pdf:PDF},
  OWNER = {recheliu},
  TIMESTAMP = {2010.08.16},
  URL = {papers/chaudhuri2009.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Roger A. Crawfis and Han-Wei Shen and Nelson Max},
  TITLE = {Flow Visualization Techniques for CDF using Volume Rendering},
  BOOKTITLE = {9th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Edinburgh, Scotland},
  YEAR = {2000},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:07 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Crawfis2000.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Crawfis2000.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Zhiyan Du and Yi-Jen Chiang, and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Out-of-Core Rendering for Time-Varying Fields using a Space-Partitioning
	Tree (SPT)},
  BOOKTITLE = {PacificVis '09: Proceedings of IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium
  YEAR = {2009},
  PAGES = {73--80},
  FILE = {:http://cis.poly.edu/chiang/SPT-report.pdf:PDF},
  OWNER = {recheliu},
  TIMESTAMP = {2010.08.16},
  URL = {http://cis.poly.edu/chiang/}

  AUTHOR = {David Ellsworth and Ling-Jen Chiang and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Accelerating time-varying hardware volume rendering using TSP trees
	and color-based error metrics},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Volume Visualization 2000},
  YEAR = {2000},
  PAGES = {119--128},
  PUBLISHER = {ACM Press New York, NY, USA},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:05 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Ellsworth2000.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Ellsworth2000.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Jinzhu Gao and Jian Huang and Han-Wei Shen and James Arthur Kohl},
  TITLE = {Visibility Culling Using Plenoptic Opacity Functions for Large Volume
  BOOKTITLE = {Vis '03: Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization 2003},
  YEAR = {2003},
  PAGES = {341--348},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:05 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Gao2003.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Gao2003.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Jinzhu Gao and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Hardware-assisted view-dependent isosurface extraction using spherical
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Eurographics/IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization
  YEAR = {2003},
  PAGES = {267--276},
  PUBLISHER = {Eurographics Association Aire-la-Ville, Switzerland, Switzerland},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:06 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Gao2003a.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Gao2003a.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Jinzhu Gao and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Parallel view-dependent isosurface extraction using multi-pass occlusion
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Large-data Visualization
	and Graphics 2001},
  YEAR = {2001},
  PAGES = {67--74},
  PUBLISHER = {IEEE Press Piscataway, NJ, USA},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:05 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Gao2001.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Gao2001.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Jinzhu Gao and Han-Wei Shen and Tony Garcia},
  TITLE = {Parallel View-dependent Isosurface Extraction and Rendering},
  BOOKTITLE = {Tenth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing},
  YEAR = {2001},
  OWNER = {leety},
  TIMESTAMP = {2007.12.03}

  AUTHOR = {Jinzhu Gao and Han-Wei Shen and Jian Huang and James Arthur Kohl},
  TITLE = {Visibility Culling for Time-Varying Volume Rendering Using Temporal
	Occlusion Coherence},
  BOOKTITLE = {Vis '04: Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization 2004},
  YEAR = {2004},
  PAGES = {147--154},
  PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society Washington, DC, USA},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:06 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Gao2004.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Gao2004.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Jinzhu Gao and Chaoli Wang and Liya Li and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {A parallel multiresolution volume rendering algorithm for large data
  JOURNAL = {Parallel Computing},
  YEAR = {2005},
  VOLUME = {31},
  PAGES = {185--204},
  NUMBER = {2},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:07 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Gao2005.pdf:PDF},
  PUBLISHER = {Elsevier BV},
  URL = {papers//Gao2005.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Antonio Garcia and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {GPU-based 3D wavelet reconstruction with tileboarding},
  JOURNAL = {The Visual Computer},
  YEAR = {2005},
  VOLUME = {21},
  PAGES = {755--763},
  NUMBER = {8},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:06 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Garcia2005.pdf:PDF},
  PUBLISHER = {Springer},
  URL = {papers//Garcia2005.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Antonio Garcia and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Asynchronous Rendering of Time-Variant Volumes with Workload-Based
	Data Shuffling},
  BOOKTITLE = {HPC spring simulation multiconference},
  YEAR = {2005},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:08 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Garcia2005a.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Garcia2005a.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Antonio Garcia and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {An interleaved parallel volume renderer with PC-clusters},
  BOOKTITLE = {EGPGV '02: Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop on Parallel Graphics
	and Visualization 2002},
  YEAR = {2002},
  PAGES = {51--59},
  PUBLISHER = {Eurographics Association Aire-la-Ville, Switzerland, Switzerland},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:05 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Garcia2002.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Garcia2002.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Yuan Hong and Tom Peterka and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Histogram-based I/O Optimization for Visualizing Large-Scale Data},
  BOOKTITLE = {Ultrascale Visualization Workshop in ACM Supercomputing 2009},
  YEAR = {2009},
  FILE = {:papers/hong2009.pdf:PDF},
  OWNER = {recheliu},
  TIMESTAMP = {2010.08.16},
  URL = {papers/hong2009.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Yuan Hong and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Parallel Reflective Symmetry Transformation for Volume Data},
  JOURNAL = {Computers \& Graphics},
  YEAR = {2008},
  VOLUME = {32},
  PAGES = {41--45},
  NUMBER = {1},
  MONTH = {January},
  FILE = {:papers/Hong2008.pdf:PDF},
  OWNER = {recheliu},
  TIMESTAMP = {2010.08.16},
  URL = {papers/Hong2008.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Yuan Hong and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Parallel Reflective Symmetry Transformation for Volume Data},
  BOOKTITLE = {EGPGV '07: Proceedings of Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on
	Parallel Graphics and Visualization 2007},
  YEAR = {2007},
  PAGES = {77--85},
  OWNER = {recheliu},
  TIMESTAMP = {2010.08.16}

  AUTHOR = {Hsien-His Hsieh and Liya Li and Han-Wei Shen and Wen-Kai Tai,},
  TITLE = {A Volume Rendering Framework for Visualization of 3D Flow Fields},
  JOURNAL = {Journal of Fluid Science and Technology},
  YEAR = {2008},
  VOLUME = {3},
  PAGES = {563--575},
  NUMBER = {4},
  OWNER = {recheliu},
  TIMESTAMP = {2010.08.16}

  AUTHOR = {Firdaus Janoos and Boonth Nouanesengsy and Raghu Machiraju and Han-Wei
	Shen and Steffen Sammet and Michael Knopp and Istvan Morcz},
  TITLE = {Visual Analysis of Brain Activity from fMRI Data},
  JOURNAL = {Computer Graphics Forum},
  YEAR = {2009},
  VOLUME = {28},
  PAGES = {903--910},
  NUMBER = {3},
  OWNER = {recheliu},
  TIMESTAMP = {2010.08.16}

  AUTHOR = {Guangfeng Ji and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Dynamic View Selection for Time-Varying Volumes},
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings
	of the Visualization / Information Visualization 2006)},
  YEAR = {2006},
  VOLUME = {12},
  PAGES = {1109--1116},
  NUMBER = {5},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:07 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Ji2006.pdf:PDF},
  PUBLISHER = {IEEE Educational Activities Department Piscataway, NJ, USA},
  URL = {papers//Ji2006.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Guangfeng Ji and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Feature Tracking using Earth Mover's Distance and Global Optimization},
  BOOKTITLE = {PG'06: Proceedings of the Pacific Graphics 2006},
  YEAR = {2006},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:08 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Ji2006a.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Ji2006a.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Guangfeng Ji and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Efficient Isosurface Tracking Using Precomputed Correspondence Table},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Eurographics/IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization
  YEAR = {2004},
  PAGES = {283-292},
  OWNER = {leety},
  TIMESTAMP = {2007.12.03}

  AUTHOR = {Guanfeng Ji and Han-Wei Shen and Jinzhu gao},
  TITLE = {Interactive Exploration of Remote Isosurface with Point-based Non-Photorealistic
  BOOKTITLE = {PacificVis '08: Proceedings of IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium
  YEAR = {2008},
  PAGES = {25--32},
  FILE = {:papers/ji2008.pdf:PDF},
  OWNER = {recheliu},
  TIMESTAMP = {2010.08.16},
  URL = {papers/ji2008.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Guangfeng Ji and Han-Wei Shen and Jinzhu Gao},
  TITLE = {Remote Exploration of Isosurfaces with Point-Based Non-Photorealistic
  BOOKTITLE = {Vis '02: IEEE Visualization 2002},
  YEAR = {2002},
  NOTE = {Poster},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:06 -0500}

  AUTHOR = {Guangfeng Ji and Han-Wei Shen and Rephael Wenger},
  TITLE = {Volume tracking using higher dimensional isosurfacing},
  BOOKTITLE = {Vis '03: Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization 2003},
  YEAR = {2003},
  PAGES = {209--216},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:06 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Ji2003.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Ji2003.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {David L. Kao and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Automatic surface flow feature visualization},
  JOURNAL = {Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 14 th, Norfolk, Collection
	of Technical Papers.},
  YEAR = {1999},
  VOLUME = {1},
  PAGES = {305--314},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:06 -0500}

  AUTHOR = {David L. Kao and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Numerical Surface Flow Visualization},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 36th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit},
  YEAR = {1998},
  PAGES = {98--0076},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:06 -0500}

  AUTHOR = {Wes Kendall and Tom Peterka and Jian Huang and Han-Wei Shen and Robert
  TITLE = {Accelerating and Benchmarking Radix-k Image Compositing at Large
  BOOKTITLE = {EGPGV '10: Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics
	and Visualization 2010},
  YEAR = {2010},
  PAGES = {101--110},
  MONTH = {May},
  FILE = {:http://www.cs.utk.edu/~huangj/papers/egpgv10.pdf:PDF},
  OWNER = {recheliu},
  TIMESTAMP = {2010.08.16},
  URL = {http://www.cs.utk.edu/~huangj/}

  AUTHOR = {Thomas Kerwin and Han-Wei Shen andf Brad Hittle and Don Stredney
	and Gregory Wiet},
  TITLE = {Anatomical Volume Visualization with Weighted Distance Fields},
  BOOKTITLE = {Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine},
  YEAR = {2010},
  FILE = {:papers/kerwin2010.pdf:PDF},
  OWNER = {recheliu},
  TIMESTAMP = {2010.08.16},
  URL = {papers/kerwin2010.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Thomas Kerwin and Han-Wei Shen and Don Stredney},
  TITLE = {Enhancing Realism of Wet Surfaces in Temporal Bone Surgical Simulations},
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
  YEAR = {2009},
  VOLUME = {15},
  PAGES = {747--758},
  NUMBER = {5},
  MONTH = {Sep},
  OWNER = {recheliu},
  TIMESTAMP = {2010.08.16}

  AUTHOR = {Kerwin, T. and Han-Wei Shen and Stredney, D.},
  TITLE = {Capture and Review of Interactive Volumetric Manipulations for Surgical
  BOOKTITLE = {VG '06: Proceedings of the Eurographics/IEEE VGTC Workshop on Volume
	Graphics 2006},
  YEAR = {2006},
  PAGES = {71--74},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:08 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Kerwin2006.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Kerwin2006.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Teng-yok Lee and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Visualizing Time-Varying Features with TAC-based Distance Fields},
  BOOKTITLE = {PacificVis '09: Proceedings of IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium
  YEAR = {2009},
  PAGES = {1--8},
  FILE = {:papers/lee2009.pdf:PDF},
  OWNER = {recheliu},
  TIMESTAMP = {2010.08.16},
  URL = {papers/lee2009.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Teng-yok Lee and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Visualization and Exploration of Temporal Trend Relationships in
	Multivariate Time-Varying Data},
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
  YEAR = {2009},
  VOLUME = {15},
  PAGES = {1359--1366},
  NUMBER = {6},
  MONTH = {Nov},
  FILE = {:papers/lee2009a.pdf:PDF},
  OWNER = {recheliu},
  TIMESTAMP = {2010.08.16},
  URL = {papers/lee2009a.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Teng-Yok Lee and Abon Chaudhuri and Fatih Poikli and Han-Wei Shen
	March 2010},
  TITLE = {CycleStack: Inferring Periodic Behavior via Temporal Sequenc Visualization
	in Ultrasound Video},
  BOOKTITLE = {PacificVis '10: Proceedings of IEEE Pacific Visualization Sympoisum
  YEAR = {2010},
  PAGES = {89--96},
  MONTH = {Mar.},
  FILE = {:papers/lee2010.pdf:PDF},
  OWNER = {recheliu},
  TIMESTAMP = {2010.08.16},
  URL = {papers/lee2010.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Guo-Shi Li and Udeepta Bordoloi and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Chameleon: An Interactive Texture-Based Rendering Framework for Visualizing
	Three-Dimensional Vector Fields},
  BOOKTITLE = {Vis '03: Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization 2003},
  YEAR = {2003},
  PAGES = {241--248},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:05 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Li2003.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Li2003.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Liya Li and Hsien-His Hsieh and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Illustrative Streamline Placement and Visualization},
  BOOKTITLE = {PacificVis '08: Proceedings of the IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium
  YEAR = {2008},
  PAGES = {79--86},
  FILE = {:papers/li2008.pdf:PDF},
  OWNER = {recheliu},
  TIMESTAMP = {2010.08.16},
  URL = {li2008.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Liya Li and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Image-Based Streamline Generation and Rendering},
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
  YEAR = {2007},
  VOLUME = {13},
  PAGES = {630--640},
  NUMBER = {3},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:07 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Li2007.pdf:PDF},
  PUBLISHER = {IEEE Educational Activities Department Piscataway, NJ, USA},
  URL = {papers//Li2007.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Liya Li and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {View-dependent multi-resolutional flow texture advection},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of IS\&T/SPIE Visualization and Data Analysis},
  YEAR = {2006},
  VOLUME = {6060},
  PAGES = {24--34},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:07 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Li2006.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Li2006.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Liya Li and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Image-Based Streamline Generation and Rendering},
  BOOKTITLE = {Vis '06: IEEE Visualization 2006},
  YEAR = {2006},
  NOTE = {Best Poster Award},
  OWNER = {leety},
  TIMESTAMP = {2007.12.04}

  AUTHOR = {Xinyue Li and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Time-critical multiresolution volume rendering using 3d texture mapping
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Volume Visualization and Graphics
  YEAR = {2002},
  PAGES = {29--36},
  PUBLISHER = {IEEE Press Piscataway, NJ, USA},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:05 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Li2002.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Li2002.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Xinyue Li and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Adaptive Volume Rendering using Fuzzy Logic Control},
  BOOKTITLE = {2001 Eurographics/IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization},
  YEAR = {2001},
  PUBLISHER = {Springer},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:06 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Li2001.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Li2001.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Yarden Livnat and Han-Wei Shen and Christopher R. Johnson},
  TITLE = {A near optimal isosurface extraction algorithm using the span space},
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
  YEAR = {1996},
  VOLUME = {2},
  PAGES = {73--84},
  NUMBER = {1},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:11:37 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:11:37 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Livnat1996.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Livnat1996.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Aidong Lu and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Interactive Storyboard for Overall Time-Varying Data Visualization},
  BOOKTITLE = {PacificVis '08: Proceedings of IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium
  YEAR = {2008},
  PAGES = {143--150},
  OWNER = {recheliu},
  TIMESTAMP = {2010.08.16}

  AUTHOR = {Kwan-Liu Ma and Ross, R. and Jian Huang and Humphreys, G. and Nelson
	Max and Moreland, K. and Owens, J.D. and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Ultra-Scale Visualization: Research and Education},
  JOURNAL = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series},
  YEAR = {2007},
  VOLUME = {78},
  PAGES = {012088},
  NUMBER = {1},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:07 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Ma2007.pdf:PDF},
  PUBLISHER = {Institute of Physics Publishing},
  URL = {papers//Ma2007.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Kwan-Liu Ma and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Compression and accelerated rendering of time-varying volume data},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the International Computer Symposium-Workshop on Computer
	Graphics and Virtual Reality 2000},
  YEAR = {2000},
  PAGES = {82--89},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:05 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Ma2000.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Ma2000.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Kwan-Liu Ma and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Visualization Techniques for Time-Varying Volume Data},
  BOOKTITLE = {International Computer Symposium 2000},
  YEAR = {2000},
  FILE = {:papers//Ma2000a.pdf:PDF},
  OWNER = {leety},
  TIMESTAMP = {2007.12.04},
  URL = {papers//Ma2000a.pdf}

  CHAPTER = {Some extensions to Line Integral Convolution},
  TITLE = {1997 SIGGRAPH course notes},
  PUBLISHER = {ACM Siggraph},
  YEAR = {1997},
  AUTHOR = {Kawn-Liu Ma and Han-Wei Shen},
  OWNER = {leety},
  TIMESTAMP = {2007.12.04}

  AUTHOR = {Kwan-Liu Ma and Diann Smith and Ming-Yun Shih and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Efficient encoding and rendering of time-varying volume data},
  INSTITUTION = {NASA/CR-1998-208424,ICASE Report No. 98-22},
  YEAR = {1998},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:06 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Ma1998.pdf:PDF},
  PUBLISHER = {Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering (ICASE)},
  URL = {papers//Ma1998.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Steven Martin and Han-Wei Shen and Patrick McCormick},
  TITLE = {Load-Balanced Isosurfacing on Multi-GPU Clusters},
  BOOKTITLE = {EGPGV '10: Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics
	and Visualization 2010},
  YEAR = {2010},
  PAGES = {91--100},
  MONTH = {May},
  OWNER = {recheliu},
  TIMESTAMP = {2010.08.16}

  AUTHOR = {Steve Martin and Han-Wei Shen and Ravi Samtaney},
  TITLE = {Efficient Rendering of Extrudable Curvilinear Volumes},
  BOOKTITLE = {PacificVis '08: Proceedings of IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium
  YEAR = {2008},
  PAGES = {1--8},
  OWNER = {recheliu},
  TIMESTAMP = {2010.08.16}

  AUTHOR = {Boonthanome Nouanesengsy and Sang-Cheol Seok and Han-Wei Shen and
	Veronica Vieland},
  TITLE = {Using Projection and 2D Plots to Visually Reveal Genetic Mechanisms
	of Complex Human Disorders},
  BOOKTITLE = {VAST '09: Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science
	and Technology 2009},
  YEAR = {2009},
  PAGES = {171--178},
  FILE = {:papers/Nouanesengsy2009.pdf:PDF},
  OWNER = {recheliu},
  TIMESTAMP = {2010.08.16},
  URL = {papers/Nouanesengsy2009.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Tom Peterka and David Goodwell and Rob Ross and Han-Wei Shen and
	Rajiv Takur},
  TITLE = {A Configurable Algorithm for Parallel Image Compositing Applications},
  BOOKTITLE = {SC '09: Proceedings of ACM Supercomputing 2009},
  YEAR = {2009},
  PAGES = {1--10},
  FILE = {:http://www.mcs.anl.gov/uploads/cels/papers/P1624.pdf:PDF},
  OWNER = {recheliu},
  TIMESTAMP = {2010.08.16},
  URL = {http://www.mcs.anl.gov/uploads/cels/papers/P1624.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Bruno Raffin and Han-Wei Shen and Dirk Bartz},
  TITLE = {Parallel graphics and visualization},
  JOURNAL = {Parallel Computing},
  YEAR = {2005},
  VOLUME = {31},
  PAGES = {147--148},
  NUMBER = {2},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:07 -0500},
  PUBLISHER = {Elsevier}

  AUTHOR = {Rob Ros and Tom Peterka and Han-Wei Shen and Yuan Hong and Kwan-Liu
	Ma and Hong-feng Yu and Ken Moreland},
  TITLE = {Visualization and Parallel I/O at Extreme Scale},
  JOURNAL = {Proceedings of SciDAC 2008, Journal of Physics: Conference Series},
  YEAR = {2008},
  VOLUME = {125},
  PAGES = {012013},
  OWNER = {recheliu},
  TIMESTAMP = {2010.08.16}

  AUTHOR = {S. Senapathi and B. Chandrasekaran and D. Stredney and H. Shen and
	D. K. Panda},
  TITLE = {QoS-Aware Middleware for Cluster-Based Servers to support Interactive
	and Resource-Adaptive Applications},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance
	Distributed Computing 2003},
  YEAR = {2003},
  PAGES = {205},
  ADDRESS = {Washington, DC, USA},
  PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society},
  FILE = {:papers//Senapathi2003.pdf:PDF},
  ISBN = {0-7695-1965-2},
  OWNER = {leety},
  TIMESTAMP = {2007.12.03},
  URL = {papers//Senapathi2003.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Sandhya Senapathi and Dhabaleswar K. Panda and Don Stredney and Han-Wei
  TITLE = {A QoS framework for clusters to support applications with resource
	adaptivity and predictable performance},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service
  YEAR = {2002},
  PAGES = { 180-190},
  DOI = {10.1109/IWQoS.2002.1006586},
  FILE = {:papers//Senapathi2002.pdf:PDF},
  ISSN = { },
  OWNER = {leety},
  TIMESTAMP = {2007.12.04},
  URL = {papers//Senapathi2002.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Naeem Shareef and Teng-Yok Lee and Han-Wei Shen and Klaus Mueller},
  TITLE = {An Image-Based Modelling Approach To GPU-based Unstructured Grid
	Volume Rendering},
  BOOKTITLE = {VG '06: Proceedings of the Eurographics/IEEE VGTC Workshop on Volume
	Graphics 2006},
  YEAR = {2006},
  PAGES = {31--38},
  PUBLISHER = {AK Peters, Ltd.},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:07 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Shareef2006.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Shareef2006.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Interacting with Three Dimensional Flow Fields},
  JOURNAL = {ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics quarterly},
  YEAR = {2008},
  VOLUME = {42},
  NUMBER = {2},
  OWNER = {recheliu},
  TIMESTAMP = {2010.08.16}

  AUTHOR = {Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Visualization of large scale time-varying scientific data},
  JOURNAL = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series},
  YEAR = {2006},
  VOLUME = {46},
  PAGES = {535--544},
  NUMBER = {1},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:06 -0500},
  PUBLISHER = {Institute of Physics Publishing}

  CHAPTER = {Time-Varying Isosurface Extraction},
  TITLE = {Visualization Handbook},
  PUBLISHER = {Academic Press},
  YEAR = {2004},
  AUTHOR = {Han-Wei Shen},
  OWNER = {leety},
  TIMESTAMP = {2007.12.03}

  AUTHOR = {Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Isosurface extraction in time-varying fields using a temporal hierarchical
	index tree},
  BOOKTITLE = {Vis '98: Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization 1998},
  YEAR = {1998},
  PAGES = {159--166},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:05 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Shen1998.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Shen1998.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Using line-integral convolution to visualize dense vector fields},
  JOURNAL = {Computers in Physics},
  YEAR = {1997},
  VOLUME = {11},
  PAGES = {474--478},
  NUMBER = {5},
  ADDRESS = {Woodbury, NY, USA},
  FILE = {:papers//Shen1997a.pdf:PDF},
  ISSN = {0894-1866},
  OWNER = {leety},
  PUBLISHER = {American Institute of Physics Inc.},
  TIMESTAMP = {2007.12.03},
  URL = {papers//Shen1997a.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Han-Wei Shen and Udeepta Bordoloi and Guo-Shi Li},
  TITLE = {Interactive visualization of three-dimensional vector fields with
	flexible appearance control},
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
  YEAR = {2004},
  VOLUME = {10},
  PAGES = {434--445},
  NUMBER = {4},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:06 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Shen2004.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Shen2004.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Han-Wei Shen and Ling-Jen Chiang and Kwan-Liu Ma},
  TITLE = {A fast volume rendering algorithm for time-varying fields using a
	time-space partitioning (TSP) tree},
  BOOKTITLE = {Vis '99: Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization 1999},
  YEAR = {1999},
  PAGES = {371--377},
  PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society Press Los Alamitos, CA, USA},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:11:37 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:11:37 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Shen1999.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Shen1999.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Han-Wei Shen and P. B. Gharpure and Christopher R. Johnson},
  TITLE = {Visualization of 3-D wave propagation in the heart-a new technique},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Conference of the IEEE
	Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 1994. Engineering Advances:
	New Opportunities for Biomedical Engineers.},
  YEAR = {1994},
  PAGES = {684--685},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:08 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Shen1994.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Shen1994.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Han-Wei Shen and Chuck D. Hansen and Livnat, Y. and Christopher R.
  TITLE = {Isosurfacing in span space with utmost efficiency (ISSUE)},
  BOOKTITLE = {Vis '96: Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization 1996},
  YEAR = {1996},
  PAGES = {287-294},
  PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society Press Los Alamitos, CA, USA},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:11:37 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:11:37 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Shen1996.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Shen1996.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Han-Wei Shen and Christopher R. Johnson},
  TITLE = {Sweeping Simplices: A Fast Iso-Surface Extraction Algorithm for Unstructured
  BOOKTITLE = {Vis '05: Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization 1995},
  YEAR = {1995},
  PAGES = {143-150},
  PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society Washington, DC, USA},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:05 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Shen1995.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Shen1995.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Han-Wei Shen and Christopher R. Johnson},
  TITLE = {Differential volume rendering: a fast volume visualizationtechnique
	for flow animation},
  BOOKTITLE = {Vis '94: Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization 1994},
  YEAR = {1994},
  PAGES = {180--187},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:05 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Shen1994a.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Shen1994a.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Han-Wei Shen and Christopher R. Johnson and Kwan-Liu Ma},
  TITLE = {Visualizing vector fields using line integral convolution and dye
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Volume Visualization 1996},
  YEAR = {1996},
  PAGES = {63--70},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:05 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Shen1996a.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Shen1996a.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Han-Wei Shen and David L. Kao},
  TITLE = {A new line integral convolution algorithm for visualizing time-varying
	flow fields},
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
  YEAR = {1998},
  VOLUME = {4},
  PAGES = {98--108},
  NUMBER = {2},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:05 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Shen1998a.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Shen1998a.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Han-Wei Shen and David L. Kao},
  TITLE = {Uflic: A line integral convolution algorithm for visualizing unsteady
  BOOKTITLE = {Vis '97: Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization 1997},
  YEAR = {1997},
  PAGES = {317--322},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:05 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Shen1997.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Shen1997.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Han-Wei Shen and David L. Kao and Ling-Jen Chiang and Aleksandra
  TITLE = {GLIC: An Interactive Software Tool for Visualizing Surface Flows},
  BOOKTITLE = {37th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit},
  YEAR = {1999},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:06 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Shen1999a.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Shen1999a.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Han-Wei Shen and Xinyue Li},
  TITLE = {Time-Critical Volume Rendering},
  BOOKTITLE = {ACM SIGGRAPH 2001 Technical Sketches and Applications},
  YEAR = {2001},
  FILE = {:papers//Shen2001.pdf:PDF},
  OWNER = {leety},
  TIMESTAMP = {2007.12.04},
  URL = {papers//Shen2001.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Phil M. Sutton and Chuck D. Hansen and Han-Wei Shen and Dan Schikore},
  TITLE = {A case study of isosurface extraction algorithm performance},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Eurographics/IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization
  YEAR = {2000},
  PAGES = {259--268},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:05 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Sutton2000.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Sutton2000.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Ying Tu and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Balloon Focus: a Seamless Multi-Focus+Context Method for Treemaps},
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
  YEAR = {2008},
  VOLUME = {14},
  PAGES = {1157--1164},
  NUMBER = {6},
  MONTH = {Nov},
  FILE = {:papers/tu2008.pdf:PDF},
  OWNER = {recheliu},
  TIMESTAMP = {2010.08.16},
  URL = {papers/tu2008.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Ying Tu and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Visualizing Changes of Hierarchical Data using Treemaps},
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings
	of the Visualization / Information Visualization 2007)},
  YEAR = {2007},
  VOLUME = {13},
  PAGES = {1286--1293},
  NUMBER = {6},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:08 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Tu2007.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Tu2007.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Chaoli Wang and Jinzhu Gao and Liya Li and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {A Multiresolution Volume Rendering Framework for Large-Scale Time-Varying
	Data Visualization},
  BOOKTITLE = {VG '05: Proceedings of the Eurographics/IEEE VGTC Workshop on Volume
	Graphics 2005},
  YEAR = {2005},
  PAGES = {11--19},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:06 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Wang2005.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Wang2005.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Chaoli Wang and Jinzhu Gao and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Parallel Multiresolution Volume Rendering of Large Data Sets with
	Error-Guided Load Balancing},
  BOOKTITLE = {EGPGV '04: Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Parallel
	Graphics and Visualization 2004},
  YEAR = {2004},
  PAGES = {23--30},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:05 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Wang2004.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Wang2004.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Chaoli Wang and Antonio Garcia and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Interactive Level-of-Detail Selection Using Image-Based Quality Metric
	for Large Volume Visualization},
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
  YEAR = {2007},
  VOLUME = {13},
  PAGES = {122--134},
  NUMBER = {1},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:07 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Wang2007.pdf:PDF},
  PUBLISHER = {IEEE Educational Activities Department Piscataway, NJ, USA},
  URL = {papers//Wang2007.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Chaoli Wang and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {LOD Map-A Visual Interface for Navigating Multiresolution Volume
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings
	of the Visualization / Information Visualization 2006)},
  YEAR = {2006},
  VOLUME = {12},
  PAGES = {1029--1036},
  NUMBER = {5},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:06 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Wang2006.pdf:PDF},
  PUBLISHER = {IEEE Educational Activities Department Piscataway, NJ, USA},
  URL = {papers//Wang2006.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Chaoli Wang and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Hierarchical Navigation Interface: Leveraging Multiple Coordinated
	Views for Level-of-Detail Multiresolution Volume Rendering of Large
	Scientific Data Sets},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Information
  YEAR = {2005},
  VOLUME = {00},
  PAGES = {259--267},
  PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society Washington, DC, USA},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:07 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Wang2005a.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Wang2005a.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Jonathan Woodring and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Multi-scale Time Activity Data Exploration via Temporal Clustering
	Visualization Spreadsheet},
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
  YEAR = {2009},
  VOLUME = {15},
  PAGES = {123--137},
  NUMBER = {1},
  MONTH = {Jan},
  FILE = {:papers/Woodring2009.pdf:PDF},
  OWNER = {recheliu},
  TIMESTAMP = {2010.08.16},
  URL = {papers/Woodring2009.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Jonathan Woodring and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Semi-automatic Time-Series Transfer Functions via Temporal Clustering
	and Sequencing},
  JOURNAL = {Computer Graphics Forum},
  YEAR = {2009},
  VOLUME = {28},
  PAGES = {791--198},
  NUMBER = {3},
  MONTH = {June},
  FILE = {:papers/Woodring2009a.pdf:PDF},
  OWNER = {recheliu},
  TIMESTAMP = {2010.08.16},
  URL = {papers/Woodring2009a.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Jonathan Woodring and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Incorporating highlighting animations into static visualizations},
  BOOKTITLE = {EI '07: Proceedings of IS\&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2007},
  YEAR = {2007},
  VOLUME = {6495},
  PAGES = {649503},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:08 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Woodring2007.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Woodring2007.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Jonathan Woodring and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Multi-variate, Time Varying, and Comparative Visualization with Contextual
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings
	of the Visualization / Information Visualization 2006)},
  YEAR = {2006},
  VOLUME = {12},
  PAGES = {909--916},
  NUMBER = {5},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:07 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Woodring2006.pdf:PDF},
  PUBLISHER = {IEEE Educational Activities Department Piscataway, NJ, USA},
  URL = {papers//Woodring2006.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Jonathan Woodring and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Chronovolumes: a direct rendering technique for visualizing time-varying
  BOOKTITLE = {VG '03: Proceedings of the Eurographics/IEEE VGTC Workshop on Volume
	Graphics 2003},
  YEAR = {2003},
  PAGES = {27--34},
  PUBLISHER = {ACM Press New York, NY, USA},
  DATE-ADDED = {2007-11-29 22:13:04 -0500},
  DATE-MODIFIED = {2007-11-29 22:13:05 -0500},
  FILE = {:papers//Woodring2003.pdf:PDF},
  URL = {papers//Woodring2003.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Jonathan Woodring and Chaoli Wang and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {High dimensional direct rendering of time-varying volumetric data},
  BOOKTITLE = {Vis '03: Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization 2003},
  YEAR = {2003},
  PAGES = {417--424},
  FILE = {:papers//Woodring2003a.pdf:PDF},
  OWNER = {leety},
  TIMESTAMP = {2007.12.03},
  URL = {papers//Woodring2003a.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {Lijie Xu and Teng-Yok Lee and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {An Information-Theoretic Framework for Flow Visualization},
  BOOKTITLE = {Vis '10: IEEE Visualization 2010},
  YEAR = {2010},
  MONTH = {Oct.},
  NOTE = {to appear},
  OWNER = {recheliu},
  TIMESTAMP = {2010.08.16}

  AUTHOR = {Lijie Xu and Han-Wei Shen},
  TITLE = {Flow Web: A Graph Based User interface for 3D Flow Field Exploration},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of IS\&T/SPIE Visualization and Data},
  YEAR = {2010},
  MONTH = {Jan.},
  OWNER = {recheliu},
  TIMESTAMP = {2010.08.16}

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