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For Employers/Recruiters

If you are a potential employer looking for highly qualified Computer Science or Computer Science and Engineering graduates (or students who are close to graduation), or have internship opportunities for students who are currently pursuing undergraduate programs in Computer Science or Computer Science and Engineering, we want to hear from you. Please contact NIkki Strader.

The official career services offices are:

Note that the Engineering Career Services office handles both CSE and CIS majors; the ASC Career Services handles only CIS majors.

Please look through this page for a summary of our undergraduate programs. If you have any ideas for how to make this page more useful to you, or have suggestions concerning additional information that should be included here, please let us know. We look forward to hearing from you.

Support CSE

$50,000 for the 50th

Donate to the department to help us reach the goal of $50,000 in donations to celebrate over 50 years of teaching excellence

Click here to make your donation.
