Smooth Surface Meshing





We designed an algorithm to mesh curved surfaces (implicit) which guaratees topology and quality of the triangles. The following paper describes the result.

S. W. Cheng, T. K. Dey, E. A. Ramos and T. Ray. Sampling and meshing a surface with guaranteed topology and geometry. Proc. 20th Annu. Sympos. Comput. Geom., 2004, 280--289.

Surface meshing with guaranteed topology and geometry

This algorithm was extended to remesh polygonal surfaces with Delaunay refinement. The input surface has to approximate a smooth surface. The following paper describes the result.

T. K. Dey, G. Li and T. Ray. Polygonal surface remeshing with Delaunay refinement. Proc. 14th Intl. Meshing Roundtable., 2005, 343--361.

Input polygonal surfaces (left) and the output remeshed surface (right).

The SurfRemesh software based on this result is available.

We further extended the algorithm to generate very large output meshes while avoiding the memory thrashing problems that commonly accompany such meshes. Once again, the input surface has to approximate a smooth surface. The following paper describes the result.

T. K. Dey, J. A. Levine, and A. G. Slatton. Localized Delaunay refinement for sampling and meshing. Sympos. Geometry Processing. 2010.

Localized surface meshing with guaranteed topology and geometry

The LocDel software based on this result is available.