Diversity 2013 Participant Reimbursement Procedures for NSF Funded Students

*       Please complete and sign the Substitute W-9 form and Post Travel Reimbursement Form. Include with these forms all
original receipts for which you are requesting reimbursement.

*       Please include your permanent home address on the W-9 form  and mark the form as "Individual or Sole Proprietorship." The payment
request  form should include the address where you want your check to be mailed.

*       A copy of your passport is required. If you are a non-US citizen, please also attach a copy of your visa and I-20 form.

*       We will reimburse your travel costs up to the amount specified in the original funding email. 

*       If you will not be traveling to Divesrsity 2013 and no longer need to use the travel grant, please let Carrie Stein know as soon
as possible so we may delegate these funds to another participant.

Please mail all signed forms and original receipts by November 30th, 2013. We will not be able to process requests received after this
date.  Reimbursement checks should be received by traveler 4-6 weeks after receipt of travel documentation. Please mail documentation to the following address:

Carrie Stein
Computer Science and Engineering, The Ohio State University
395A Dreese Labs, 2015 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210
Phone: 614-688-5390 / cstein@cse.ohio-state.edu